TallMenShoes.com will help you learn about people's average height by country, so you can know exactly what you are walking into. Our wonderful world is defined and described by interesting statistics, and the height average by country is certainly compelling for our customers. Especially those who travel: Some men use elevator shoes to adjust their height and stature strategically, the same way women do with high heels. Curious about the average male height? Keep reading. As most people know, average heights differ from country to country. People tend to be taller in northern latitudes and short closer to the equator. Genetics and nutrition play the most important roles in determining height. Some countries saw a marked increase in average height last century when food became abundant enough to feed the population. In many of these countries, older people, who did not have the benefit of better nutrition, are significantly shorter than the younger generations. The table below lists the height for different countries and the sources[ 1 ] for that data. Significant digits are preserved from the source. In some cases, a height is accurate to .1 inches (or .1 cm) while in others it is only accurate to 1 inch (or .1cm). Multiple studies for a country might determine different heights because of the age group studied or the year the study was conducted.