Shopping is something that has become a part of everyday life. People who enjoy shopping are usually very willing to spend time browsing through stores looking for the best deals on items they want or need. Shoes are no exception to this especially with online shopping. With online shopping it only takes a few moments to find what you're looking for online and have it shipped to your door. However, when shopping for shoes there are some things you need to be aware of before making a purchase.
When purchasing elevator shoes online the question that comes into play is whether the shoes is what it looks like in real person vs the image. We advise to look closer the product image to see if it is altered, photoshopped in a way that is very manipulative.
Also we find a number of imitating seller selling similar style of our shoes from offshore website. While these shoes are manufactured oversea intended for the local market with their own sizing measurement, the logistic issue shipping them into United States will potentially raise custom duties issues, delays for international parcels. Furthermore, the after-sale support including returns, warranty, exchange support will be lack lustered at best.
Research the store before you purchase:
- Google their address - see if the property is a legit business. Is it a store, warehouse, or maybe just a residential apartment?
- Search store reviews from legitimate organization such as google reviews, Better Business Bureau.
- Give them a ring. It is so easy to have a toll free number to look professional nowadays but can you actually get to someone that address your inquires?